Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Banter is Back!!!

Stella: Aww.. It has been so long since I have been on here that I almost forget to include my 'secret' name. Well, summer is sadly coming to an end so we have decided that it is time to return to our beloved blog and the thousands of fans we have left behind, who are surely lost without us. I would like to be able to say that we have been taking time off to have wonderful and exciting adventures in exotic locations... Or that I've been waiting for the right moment to introduce the new man in my life to our adoring readers. But no. The most exciting thing I've done lately- and I don't think exciting is even the right word for it- is read the entire Harry Potter series. I feel the need to go hide my face under a pillow now.

So instead of lounging around on a pool raft with a tropical drink in hand (like most people with a job probably dream of doing if they had time off with nothing to do,) I've had my nose buried in a pile of books. Approximate page numbers per book... Book 1 - 309, book 2 - 350, book 3 - 448, book 4 - 896, book 5 - 850, book 6 - 600, book 7 - 750, Which all together equals about - 4,176 pages of wizard land.

So much time and brain power has been devoted to reading that I find myself talking in a British accent and even texting things about "me mum" and saying all sorts of words I never used before like Blimey! and Brillant! And craving things like treacle tart (which I have absolutely no idea what that is except they eat it a lot at their feasts and it sounds delicious.) Even at night I've been dreaming of Quidditch and characters like Fred & George and having nightmares about Voldemort and evil Helena Bonham Carter. haha. This is a sure sign that I need help.

I have also watched all the films except for the last one because I can't find anyone to go with me. The Man Child already went himself and I'm sure I'd have to bribe him and pay for his ticket to get him to go with me and even then I am sure I already annoyed him enough watching the first 7 films with my constant comments and criticism that he'd refuse to go. There's just no use. I'll have to wait till it's out on dvd or brave it and go by myself. Oh and when I was watching the last dvd, Bella happened to just be getting up from her nap. She looked at me and sighed and said, "Are you back in Harry Potter land again?" Well, I am glad to say that I am not the only one who has had a rather dull summer. I'm pretty sure the only exciting thing Loki has done is look for jobs and sell fireworks. Now... "Accio water!" Just kidding. I don't really have a wand to perform spells with. I just wanted to try to bring my water over  to me without  having to get up for it. I'll stop now before I bring further embarrassment upon my family.

Loki: I have not read the Harry Potter books. Nor have I had any desire to read them. I do not want to read about wizards. I guess a lot of people would say the same about vampires but whatever. I haven't done much reading this summer, except for The Help. I did enjoy that book and am looking forward to the movie. Anyway enough about books...BORING. I have not had an "exciting" summer as you would describe it but I have spent many a day out in my back yard playing with a kiddie pool and a water hose. I do quite enjoy it. Yes yes I know we are in a drought right now and I am not supposed to be using excess water but whatever. Obviously my writing skillls have not improved and I will have to get used to editing my thoughts again as I just re-read this paragraph and noticed I put 'whatever' 500 times. So anyway I have been looking seriously for some employment and have yet to find anything. I did spend a good 3 weeks selling fireworks and being in the heat without a water hose... but that is a post in itself. I am just enjoying my lax summer with my baby. I pointed out earlier that it was the first summer that I have actually been able to maintain a tan due to the fact that I was not stuck in an office all day. I must say I quite enjoy not having to hear you talk about laying out or going shopping while I stared at a computer screen. However being unemployed, the shopping has definitely ceased. I just hope I get the job next to you so that we can have our lunch time together. Uhh excuse me where is the announcement of this glorious job? Who would have thought that you would beat me to the employment market? (I am going to have to get used to talking to you via blog again)

Stella: You know that beloved vampire of yours had his first big role in H.P. as Cedric Diggory. I'm surprised you haven't watched it for that reason alone. Anyway, I was going to write another blog on my big announcement. But since you already alluded to it, I have agreed to work with one of my old friends at the new Outlets opening up at a little girl's store. More on that later.... I just want to say one thing to you now that we are back to blogging. A lot is two words. It is NOT alot. That is one of the things that drives me absolutely crazy and that I have to go back and correct in your writing A LOT. (ALSO, when you write things like this, the period goes inside the paranthesis.) (Like so.) (Not like this, which is usually how you do it). UNLESS you are writing for the newspaper or an academic paper, then a whole other set of rules apply and you do punctuate outside when you reference things (Cleary 345). That was just an example there of a citation. Sorry this has turned into a small lecture, but I just think if you could work on those two TINY simple little things we will have a much healthier and happier relationship. That is all....
Okay, now on to the J.O.B. Can you believe it? I have secured a job BEFORE Loki. Who has been supposedly searching for one since November. Meanwhile, I haven't been looking for anything at all but everyone knows I only accept jobs that people offer to me so when I was presented with this opportunity, I didn't have any other reason not to. Even though it is crappy, crappy pay (you can make more working at McDonald's) the location and hours are great. Not to mention, one of my bestest buds will be my boss. Plus, there's really no need for me & Bess to both just be sitting here all day together while even Bella is at Pre-K. (It's getting to be a little bit ridiculous I will admit myself.) And I gotta get myself out of this house every once & awhile.

So here I was earlier today.. real nervous about what to wear to our training meeting. And real nervous in general as I don't like leaving my comfort zone either. Well let's just say, that after today's meeting that's all gone. I am clearly the oldest person there and WAY over qualified. And when I say, "way over qualified" I mean that I have a college degree, 2 years of experience in retail as a manager, not to mention other numerous jobs & an ending pay at my last job that is never going to be achievable at any retail store. Oh, and the fact that every girl there (with the exception of one girl who works at a Dollar store- really classy that one) said that this was her first job! Some even said it with a little squeal. Another said it like this, "I'm so nervous my heart's beating out of my chest right now.. This is my first job too!" and looked down suddenly after turning bright red. I'm going to be working with babies!

And when I introduced myself as being 27, they GASPED. Yes, that's right. They gasped. The girl next to me even turned her head and opened her mouth. Geesh. I wish I knew why. Because I look so young with my chubby cheeks? Or because they think I look like death? My mother always told me that I would one day appreciate my chubby cheeks and the youthful look it would bring me. But for some reason, I get the impression that they thought I was a dinosaur. A real, live dinosaur sitting next to them in training for their first job. I imagine I probably scared some of them away.

On top of that, I was by far the best dressed. I even felt a little too overdressed because I wasn't wearing jeans & a graphic tee like most of them. Their clothes were RIDICULOUS. They are afterall only 16-18 years old, but they had just come from their interview so I am guessing that this is the best they can look? Yikes. Some of those girls need HELP! You couldn't pay me to wear any one of those outfits. Seriously. And they were all pretty hefty! (Okay, they were FAT. I just didn't want to sound like a total snob. But that's a fact and hefty just doesn't quite describe it the same.) The one exception was a girl who had the body of a 10 year old boy. (She was 16 of course & probably a "late bloomer." haha) So wow. This is going to be interesting. Maybe I'll be able to help some of them with a book report over Harry Potter this year. That is, if they have learned how to read yet...

Loki: Haha I dont think I have anything to add to that wonderful story about your old self. I can't believe you took the job but I wish you all the luck in your babysitting adventures.



  1. Boy have I missed you two!! It has been far too long and I have been suffering every single work day since your hiatus without any sisterbanter laughter to get me through the day.

    Loved the post. I think both of your summers sound AMAZING. Your new job sounds like it will be neat and entertaining, Stella! I bet it'll be great banter material. Keep'em comin!

  2. Ha ha ha ha! Even though I have SPENT the summer hiatus with you both... I too have MISSED reading about your everyday adventures. I just LOVE reading both of your thoughts and only a mother thinks the whole "teaching paragraph about how not to type alot " is PRICELESS! (don't worry Loki, I get even more lessons than you on grammer and spelling and what not) Welcome back and lets keep them blogs a coming!

  3. My first question is : is my code name still saucy? because i am no longer prego? NEXT, I LOVED THIS hehehe, aside from missing this blog terribly, i have been busy apparently doing NOTHING sais my ex baby daddy. hehe. Stella, i can't tell you how much i am looking FORWARD to future blogs about these employees, and correcting of Loki's writing! ha!

    OH! And Nana Bess, that is untrue, because i thought the par. on correcting Loki was PRICELESS as well!

  4. Welcome back,
    Your dreams were your ticket out.

    Welcome back,
    To that same old place that you laughed about.

    Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
    But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.

    Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
    Here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)

    Yeah we tease him a lot cause we've hot him on the spot, welcome back,
    I get annoyed when people spell a lot as one word too!!! That and also when they confuse then/than....

  5. Yes, you shall forever remain Saucy. And your child is a perfect little meatball :)
