Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Turkey Talk

 Loki: My child will not stop nursing. I mean, I get it... I have to tell her no...right? Just "no" and then let her scream and cry and just deal with it? I am having a hard time with this. I mean the doc says that it is still really good for her..but it is starting to annoy me. I don't mind the sleepy time in bed in the morning nurse...but I do mind the we are playing outside and 'I want to nurse' time. Or the 'I know you are talking with people but I want to nurse, let me pull up/down your shirt.' I want to just go cold turkey. I seem to be a cold turkey kinda gal. When I quit smoking,..cold turkey. When I decided I want to run a half marathon...I started at 3 miles, cold turkey. When I want a sandwich...cold turkey. bahaha. Anyway, but I am told you can not cold turkey breast feeding. I have skipped a few feedings...I have gone a whole day and half with not and it huuuurts. So I should just ween to once a day? It's so confusing. I know that if I got a job than this would cease to be a problem, but apparently that is never going to happen. So I have to come up with other ways. Curls says when a kid starts walking they should not nurse anymore...(No offense, but you have no children!)...and Blue was walking at 9 months. I've heard when a kid asks for it, they should not be nursing  anymore. Blue doesn't scream "Boobs!" or "Milk!" or "Feed me!"...but I think pulling down a shirt and pointing constitutes as asking for it. Yes, I think her nursing days are numbered... I just need some help stopping.

Stella: I don't know why, but I am now grossed out at your nursing these days. I think you should have quit a long time ago. That and I have got to hear about it in detail from day one. Come on, readers, tell Loki to stop already! Sure, I nursed my baby for 15 months. But that is because I wanted to nurse until she was old enough to just switch to cow's milk (which is at 12 months) so that way I didn't have to supplement with formula at all. Formula is expensive stuff girls! PLUS, Bella did NOT dive down into my shirt or try to stand up, nurse, and look around all at the same time like Blue does. And she was indifferent when I stopped nursing her so it wasn't a problem for me. I would also just like to point out how healthy my baby has always been. "Thank you, Mom, for breastfeeding me," she will say someday. Haha. Just like I always thank my mother. Not really. That's a gross thought. I liked your cold turkey joke though.

Loki: Well, I think Blue might be weening herself these days. I think she likes to just play with them now... which I will not allow her to do. (except Big t thinks it's hilarious when she does try.) I left her overnight with NanaBess so the child hadn't nursed in over 30 hours when I so desperately wanted her to... I showed her the goods and she pretended to nurse and then grabbed her bottle instead. Ahhh! REJECTED. It makes me happy, but causes me pain as well. I don't know why you are so grossed out...like you said you nursed for 15 months and my babe is only 14 months. All along you have been taunting me to continue nursing as long as you...blah blah blah. I already said I needed help...this has been established. So your advice is to what? Just stop?

Stella: Yes, just stop! Silly woman. If you keep nursing, you will keep producing milk. I thought you were just going to stop cold turkey! What was with all that turkey talk? You know what?! You're full of bologna! Hahah. I do marvel at myself sometimes.. Alright. I'll give you some real marvelous advice. For real. (As Bess says 100 times a day.) You gotta just do a version of the "Little Albert" experiment with Baby Blue. You know, the famous psychology experiment where the man conditioned the poor little feller to be scared of a white rat by making a loud noise every time he saw the rat. (He previously showed no fear to the rat, but when the man made a frightening noise each time he showed him the white rat it conditioned the boy to associate the rat with scart noise and with the fear...)So next time Blue pulls up your shirt or tries to  nurse, you just need to frighten her. hhahaha. Oh, this is classic.

Loki: Sometimes I worry about you.

Tell me who makes the best turkey sandwich.


  1. Only nurse in the mornings for a week. Then quit. Get up and get the baby some ceral and milk or and juice. This is called breakfast. No more nursing. THe longer you go the HARDER it will be and the MORE Blue will plead and fight you on it. Now is the time. You can do it. :) I am proud of 14 months. That is the longest I nursed TMC (my last and final baby! :(_) I hope the Couger shares her relactating story! ha/ha ha h ha ha..... oh and I make a killer turkey sandwhich! :)

  2. i agree with a baby is too old when she can ask for it. im talking with words....such as "coke" "pretty juice" "Nummbers" something like that, like Nanna Bess's friends children. THAT is too old. but then again I am only nursing a 4 month old and no nothing of weening. therefore look above for advice haha

  3. Okay, I had to comment. I am the marathon nursing mom that Saucy is talking about. Thank you very much, Saucy. By the way, the other kid said "nuse" when he asked for it. :) I remember before I had kids and there was a woman who was nursing a 3-year-old and I was totally grossed out ... and then, of course, I was just like her and let my kids nurse f-o-r-e-v-e-r!! Not only did my children ask for it, one of them could actually eat steak when the nursing stopped. They're all grossed out by it now, but they've survived ... and I actually had bigger boobs for a while. The shortest time to nurse was 3 months, followed by 13 months, 18 months, and then 34 months. Yes, it's true. Now that I think about it, I probably should have been born in Africa. Don't they nurse their babies until the babies are married?!? Ha! Loki, my thought is if you're sick of it and ready to wean, then it's definitely time to get it done. Since your little one can go straight to cow's milk, can eat pretty much anything, and is getting plenty of nourishment, she'll be fine. At this point, it's just the attention and one-on-one time she's wanting anyway. Maybe you can come up with something else to do instead?! Good luck!! Should I change my name to Marathon Mom?!

  4. Bess... that made me laugh out loud...I will share. My third, Bull Rider Boy, weaned himself at five months!! He just didn't want to nurse anymore. I was so sad! So at six or six and half months I decided I wanted to nurse him again, my milk had dried up but I tried to re-lactate. I would try to force him to nurse, but he didn't want to. It didn't work. Also, my youngest, I'll call him sweetheart boy (because he is just the sweetest child ever in the world!!!!) he loved nursing and at 14 mos. he was still going at it and I had a ladies retreat coming up and I had to wean him so that I could go (I was so ready to wean him anyway without the retreat) one night in bed he was in w/ me and he wanted to nurse, and I said, "all gone. Sorry!" He looked at me, saw that I wasn't going to nurse him, he put both feet on me and tried to push me out of bed and he turned away from me, went to sleep, and never asked to nurse again. It was that simple!! I know that's not the norm! Also, I must say. Only in America are babies weaned so early. There is nothing wrong w/ a walking child nursing!!

  5. haha I am sorry Diana, I had to share! I think its so funny!!!
