Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Confessions of a Baby Drama Queen

Loki: You will be happy to know that I think Baby Blue did in fact inherit my "dramatic" gene. She busts out crying and throwing a little fit when she does not get her way. I can only imagine this becoming worse and more hysterical. I'm sure my mother can tell you all about my over reactions. Stella will bring up my labor story. Whatever. It's how I was made. I find it a bit humorous at the moment but I am sure it will become worse. Blue has been driving her little "car" around and has decided to place her baby dolls on there to push them around. She either remembers watching Bella do this same thing when she was over playing or she came up with it on her own. She did not only want the baby doll on the seat, but the doll must be standing up. You can imagine that the doll is not going to stay standing up as she pushes it. So the doll would fall off and then Blue would start crying hysterically. We would try to hold the doll in place but that wasn't good enough either. Oh, the tribulations in a 10 months old life.

Stella: Oh, how wonderful.  Has she been watching Toddlers & Tiaras too? I like watching Blue throw her fake fits. Especially when her mommy picks her up in the middle of her playing to change her diaper. She acts like she is being beaten and tortured. I don't know why it brings me great pleasure.... My little dear never throws fake fits. She only throws huge, full blown, over-the-top, ridiculously spastic, insane acting fits, and for very trivial reasons such as mommy actually picking out her outfit for the day or Nana Bess refusing to push her around in a laundry basket. This was the fit from last night as Bella has found a new way of torturing our dog. She has built a "train" made up of 5 laundry baskets all tied together with ribbon and forces our dog to sit in one of the "cars" to ride around in. The dog can't possibly get out as she is also on a leash that has been secured to the basket. After Bess told Bella that she would not push her around the house, Bella immediately started bawling. She ran and hid behind the couch and cried out over and over, "Why are you so mean?!" in between the tears.

Loki: Poor Bella.. I will bring over her buddy Blue over and they can play together. It will only get better from here. Blue will be her little minion. haha. I am interested to see how laid back Blue actually is. If she will do her own thing or follow Bella around and do whatever she tells her to do. It will be quite interesting. Back to the fits... These too will just get worse as she gets older...I've already stated that. I see these little brats on Toddlers and Tiaras and it makes me want to puke. Right now I just laugh at the child because it's funny. These fits do not mean she gets her way. We are teaching this now so that I don't have a 4 year old cry and beg and throw fits just to have her toe nails painted with a flower. (This was from that show last night too.) But no matter what I do, I will not be able to control her. But that's what makes life interesting, eh? I also would like to add in here that I love seeing the looks and hearing what non-parents say about children throwing fits over silly things. They have no idea.

Stella: Bella has never thrown a fit in the store. She's quite a good little shopper. But maybe that's only because I'm usuallly always buying her at least one thing! Hahah. Not really..... There have been many times that I tell her no and make her walk away from whatever precious item she is desiring and she leaves the story empty handed. My biggest fear would be to have her do what Curls did to her mother one day at the store. I have heard this story many times, but it may need to be corrected if my version is not right. Supposedly while shopping at the store one day, Curls was throwing a fit about a candy bar and when Choc Chip tried to calm her down, sweet little Curls bent over to the floor shielding her face with her hands and cried, "I love you Mommy, I love you Mommy" over and over as if her mother was about to beat her. hahaha. Oh, the horror! P.S. I bet Blue will do whatever Bella wants her to do! She will look up to her just as our young cousins looked up to us... until we were "teenagers" and "boring" and then they no longer adored us.
What's the worst thing you have ever seen a kid do in public?


  1. yip, you got the Curls story correct. She actually fell to the floor in a fetal position. Right at the busy checkout line! And do you know what Choc Chip did? She turned to me and loudly said, "Cougar! Get your daughter!" Another example of your dramatic overreacting, Loki is once at the lake you and Stella disobeyed Bess and she took you into the room for spankings. Loki, I honestly thought you were being beaten to death in there!!! Oh my goodness! You were crying and begging and pleading and crying and yelling and screaming and crying!! I couldn't imagine Bess beating you so terribly! I wondered if she'd competely lost her mind and perhaps I needed to go in there and stop her. Then...through the door I hear her say, "Okay Loki, it's your turn you disobeyed and I have to spank you too!"

  2. Ha ha !!!! Great Memories. Yes, I remember many times on the phone when I was talking to Nana Bess and she had to go spank Loki. It sounded like she was getting beaten, and then I would find out, she hadn't even spanked her yet! Yes, my precious curls went through a stage where she thought if she said "I love you Mommy" then she wouldn't get in trouble. She was wrong. Ha!

  3. my best friend in Greenville had a daughter who was best friends with Choc Chip. My friend took her daughter to the store and when she found out she couldn't have a toy..she cried so loud she held her breath and fainted! This had happened at home and her Dr told her it was safe as as soon as she passed out, she would naturally take a breath. I have more memories of my sister being melodramatic than any of my children. Although one time when Bess was 4 and fell to the floor crying over something, her Daddy said "if you want to cry, I'll give you something to cry about" and proceeded to give her a spanking (actually allowed back in 'the day') and that was the last time she fell on the floor and cried. Of course afterwards when she cried she just went to her room. But I hate to see kids cry in the stores and the mother keeps on placating them while they roam up and down the aisle. And yes, Blue will always follow and look up to Bella until Bella grows up and ignores her...maybe around age 13? And I'm glad Loki can laugh now at her little temper tantrums when young. At least she knows what to expect! My brother when around age 2 had a fit because he couldn't move our baby grand piano! Poor little guy.
