Monday, January 24, 2011

Tales of the Missing Socks

 Stella: Do you know how sometimes socks just seem to disappear? Over time you will end up with half a dozen unmatched socks and wonder what ever happened to their mate. You'll give up trying to ever find them and just go out and purchase a new package of socks. Fresh, white, clean and all matching. Some people will say that the washing machine is to blame for the missing socks. Or maybe it's the dryer's fault. But in our house it is something much, much worse....

I discovered this mysterious sock eater myself. It was an ordinary day, not unlike the one before it. But I had come to notice that after a few weeks of working out regularly, I was rotating only 5 pairs of gym socks. What had happened to all of my gym socks??? My cute, white footies with the pink trim, that indicated they belonged to me and should not be confused with Bess's blue trimmed socks, were disappearing one by one. I realize that not everyone notices when their socks mysteriously disappear, but since I was in dire need of clean socks to wear during my sweat dripping workouts, it was obvious to me that something was happening. Something that had probably been going on long before I ever took note of it....

You see, when I do my laundry and there is a sock without a match I will lay it above my sock drawer and wait for it's sole mate to return. I had only 4 socks waiting that day, but it had been quite some time without making any matches and I was worried that all of my wash had cycled already. It is quite a joyous victory when you are able to find the missing mate, and perhaps I do get a little carried away in making sure that no one is left behind. And then suddenly, I had an idea. Perhaps my mother's laundry had become intertwined with mine and she had unknowingly collected a few of my socks and was thinking the exact same thing as me! She was probably saving them atop her dresser as well, just waiting for the mate to return. It was a light bulb going off inside my head as I grabbed my 4 lonely, single socks and headed for my mother's dresser.

It was there that things took a turn for the worse. What had started as only 4 lonely, single socks had now multiplied immensely. My mind was baffled as I began to pull sock after sock after sock out of her drawer. There were no matched socks nicely stuffed into balls, which would mean that there were 2 socks stuck together to be worn as a pair. Instead there lay 70 unmatched socks all shoved into one drawer. All along I had blamed the washing machine, the dryer, The Man Child's horrible laundry baskets piled up with a month's worth of washing, but it was Bess The Sock Hoarder the whole time.

Baffled at this discovery I started digging for more. Each drawer had more and more unmatched socks. It was evident that the Sock Hoarder had been at this for some time. There were unmatched socks of every kind, but I mostly just noticed the white footsies with the pink trim. My anxiety began to rise as I peeked inside The Computer Man's drawer. He is notorious for never wearing socks that match, (as well as TMC and Loki.) He has also been known to wear socks with holes in the toes as he thinks it is funny to wiggle the toes at you through the peep hole. So strange... But not as strange as the overwhelming amount of unmatched socks hidden deep within my mother's bureau.

It was lunchtime now, but I was too shocked to eat. I could not leave this insanity the way it was. So I began to pair up the socks. It took quite some time to properly select the correct mate for each one, but it had to be done.

I left her room feeling triumphant. I now had 15 pairs of my socks back in my hands. And I left Bess with even more in her drawer. At the end of it, there were only 6 socks that did not appear to have an immediate matches, (although I will wait to see if I can find them through the next wash cycle. I like to hang on to that small hope that they are still out there somewhere...)

But it was a only small victory for the day.. The Sock Hoarder is still amongst us. She is bound to strike again at any moment... Every time she goes near the laundry I will be frightful that she will just be secretly collecting unmatched socks all over again. I am not sure what measures to take now to protect the innocent footwear who get thrown into this mess, but I will have to confront Bess about this. I will have to put my foot down.

If you've ever loved somebody, put your hands up!


  1. Loki: I think this is hilarious. I never have matching socks...another thing I have apparently inherited from my mother. Am I just her clone? Anyway I just leave the unmatched socks in the laundry basket and then....I end up washing this unmatched socks over and over until eventually I just give up and throw them out. Big T will not wear unmatched socks...even if they are your standard white sock but one has the red stitch on the toe and the other a green stitch. he says that it the "cushion" of the sock is different therefore not comfortable..apparently. I enjoy summer because I never have to wear socks.
    P.S. Who cares if your socks match while you work out in your own home. ?!

  2. I agree with Big T. They feel different if they are not a match and are therefore uncomfortable.

  3. Sounds like something Nana Bess would do. So glad she has Stella to help with her sock hoarding. Btw, mismatched socks are "in." We bought a package of mismatched socks for my youngest to give his sisters for Christmas. The package had 3 cute and different socks. My husband just kept saying, "why are there only 3,?" "where is the fourth sock?" And I just kept repeating.. they're mismatched, there are no matches.

  4. You purchased unmatched socks? I've never heard of such a thing! I will have to go to shopping an look. I wear only matched socks! I just polled my man and he said he wouldn't mind wearing mismatched socks as long as they were the same color w/ the same ribbing or whatever. Not me, I would have to have a pair. Funny post! Oh! I will say that someone I know just had to have her washer fixed and the repair man said that small articles: socks, bras, baby clothes...get sucked up into the motor all of the time! Who knew????? Guess the washing machine DOES eat laundry!

  5. It's VERY difficult not to burst into laughter at my desk while I secretly read such an entertaining and HILARIOUS blog!!! Thank goodness the phone didn't ring or I wouldn't have been able to speak! What a story. I actually had a similar type of adventure the other day, but I handled it completely opposite. I go through phases where I'm always pairing up my socks for an easy grab and go... but I have to admit there are times, more times than the other, that I just stop pairing them and shoving them in a drawer. On Sunday, I can't bare the drawer any longer so I start my sock pairing party. I get down to the lonely socks with no match and instead of waiting patiently for it's longely match to show up, I just throw the entire pile away. Next time I should be more hopeful. ;)

  6. I hate unmatched socks!!!! I keep a small box on top of my dryer. After I fold clothes, any unmatched socks are tossed into the box. After some time, I will bring the box out and dump them out and match up all the socks. The ones I have left go in the trash. This method works good for me. Also, any socks that have holes go into the trash as well. I DONT DO HOLES!!!!!

  7. I don't do hole either! I do agree with Big T as I want my socks to match in every way. They must look alike. I have resorted to turning the tops over (only mine, not Mr Mechanic's) and don't even wash them until there are two of them. White ones drive me crazy! Mr Mechanic wears them more often now that he's retired. Does he care if they have holes in them or are dirty? Duh! They all are stained! Which I wouldn't wear either. Ugh. But I do match all the red "hanes' and the black "hanes" and no matches get thrown out. Of course I have only done this in later years. In early M years(M = early marriage)I was lucky to have any socks...matching or not. And they were all socks. No jock socks. And I didn't wear socks. I went barefoot! So times have change. Loki, I like summer too. I can wear flip flops too. But a great funny blog.I had to laugh at Stella's attempt to sort out Bess's sock drawer. Poor girl. She just can't throw anything away. She gets it from her Grandma. Not me. lol
