Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Loki: We were having a lovely lunch time with our mom, grandma, aunt and cousin the other day and somehow the conversation turned to running or exercising or diets... something like that. Anyway, everyone encouraged Stella that she should take part in the marathon that Cookie is running in May. No one even mentioned me. I mean... I know, I know! Why would they? But my competitive nature peaked and I got mad at myself that I am not this athletic girl that I once was. I want that back. So I have decided to train for it. Obviously I am going to have to start out slow and will not be able to partake in the coming up marathon... but perhaps by September I will be able to. Let me also just clarify that my goal is the half... not the full. I can't imagine running for 5 plus hours straight. I also dont think I am currently a runner and I usually get some pretty gnarly shin splits.... BUT who doesn't. Anyway, this is my goal. I am starting tomorrow. I also think that instead of concentrating or doing exercises to "lose weight"...that if I had some athletic competition or something it would help motivate me.

Stella: That's why you told me you wanted to run a marathon? Hahahhahaha. Oh poor Loki. You should just try out running and see if you like it before setting a big goal. It's like the only time my name has ever been mentioned with an athletic event and you freak out. I'm sure if you ran on a daily basis someone would have suggested you as well. Anyhow, I don't get shin splints? I don't even think I know what those are.

Loki: It feels like your shin muscle is getting stuck on your shin bone. Sorta like a charlie horse but on your shin. That is the best way I can describe it. I even get them on treadmills, which is why I always end up on the elliptical. You will be happy to know that I have ran twice now! Wow, huh? Sept. seems a long way away... I am just looking forward to when the running gets easier. I think I am running about 2 miles right now... (which is like a baby step compared to the 13...but its one step at a time.) I think I have to get over it mentally as much as physically. I keep concentrating on how far I have gone instead of how I feel. Anyway, I should probably start running other places than my neighborhood.... Only because I blare the music in my ears and I will probably run out in front of a car one day. Oh well. I need to go download some more "work out" songs to my ipod so that it will motivate me to keep on. Right now I listen to Rhianna "Only Girl" and Pink always pumps me up too. Anyway, I need to get some new shoes too but seeing as I am unemployed still I may just need to get some insoles or whatever they are called. Yes, I know that you dont think I will actually run the marathon...but in order for me to get up and run every morning, I need to have a goal. An end goal... and maybe in a couple of months I will already be in the habit of getting up and running and I won't care to run an actual marathon. However, I have to tell myself that this what I am training for. I dreamed last night about softball.... about playing in a tournament. This isn't surprising since most of my childhood was softball... but it made me want to play. I should join an adult league or something. I have been doing cartwheels for my daughter (she thinks they are funny) and can I just tell you that it hurts? Why do cartwheels hurt me? I guess I really am old. Maybe running and getting in shape will also allow me to do cartwheels over and over. Now there is a goal!

Stella: I never said you couldn't do it. I just asked WHY. You should have seen Mom's old running shoes we made her get out and show Choc Chip the other day. We told her they weighed about 20 lbs and to prove that we weren't exaggerating she went and got them out. (You might ask why she is still saving them, but it is ole Bess we are talking about!) Maybe you were there when we did that. I don't remember. It was still funny either way. It is always good to have a goal. I do not have a goal anymore. I am hoping that  if we all go on a tropical vacation this year then that can be it. If not, I'll just be depressed that I don't have anywhere to go. And like the rest of my life, there will be nothing to look forward to. WAH! I'm thinking of having a pity party tonight. Want to come?

Loki: NO.

Stella: Fine. As part of the party I was going to invite you to go to BTT. My one true love. But now I shall find another companion to take. Instead I shall leave you with my current playlist of songs to run to:

The Killers-All These Things I Have Done (My hands-down all time favorite song...)
Talking Heads- Burning Down the House
Florence & the Machines- The Dog Days Are Over
Fat Joe ft Nelly- Get it Poppin
Whitesnake- Here I Go Again
Queen- Fat Bottomed Girls
Madonna- Like a Prayer
Beck- Loser
Kanye- Golddigger
Elton John- Rocket Man (although I always end up singing this one while running which takes away some of my energy)

What do you listen to while burning off those calories and melting the fat?


  1. WOW Loki! Two miles? That's awesome!! I don't think I could run two miles even a crazy mad man was chasing me and my life depended on it!! If you can run two in March, I fully believe you can run 13 in Sept! Go for it! My daughter-in-law ran in Marathon's a few years back but she has leg or foot problems that caused her to have to give it up.
    HA!!! Your mom still has her running shoes. No surprise there! I say that and realize I save most everything too! What's wrong with us? We didn't live during the depression!
    Stella....I'm the same way as you. I need something to look forward to! Even week to week. I want to know 'something' is coming up! If not, I get bummed!

  2. Yay LOki!!!! You go girl! I believe whole heartedly that if you want to run a marathon, half or full you can do it. You have what it takes. You are self disciplined and competitive. Maybe only the time would be an issue. I don't know if I would have had the time to train when my kiddos were small. I ran in the red bud with Curls before I ever even thought about running a marathon. It is 6 miles and that is when I fell in love with it. So cool!!! I know you would love it too. I have never got shin splints either, but Beard boy and his paps do

  3. oh well. I have no ambition to run a 2 mile or half marathon. But Loki, I know you can do it if you want to. And you were athletic in high school and competitive. Me? Neither applies. The only time I jogged around the block was when Choc Chip would come to my front door at the crack of dawn so I wouldn't want to disappoint her. I do most anything to be social. Hate to do anything by myself. However, I do 'jog' around the house to my Wii Fit listening to what else? Twilight. lol. But then you all expected that right? I wait til Grampa is in the shop so I can turn the volume way up...the Wii Fit says I go 1.5 miles in 10 min. But it takes me more than than that on a treadmill which I can do for 30 min and that isn't even a mile. So I am impressed with you Loki. If my shins hurt I would be all done. I hate pain.

  4. I laughed out loud and Gma Modern... "I hate pain"

  5. Don't feel bad Loki, no one suggested I run either hahahaha I must have been nursing cus i don't remember this conversation!!
