Thursday, March 24, 2011


Loki: I do not know what it is in the air today, but I am about to rip my eyes out of their sockets. I have really bad allergies today. (Obviously from the sentence I just wrote about ripping my eyes out.) I just wanted to be clear it was because of the allergies and not from something that I saw, which could also cause you to want to rip your eyes from their sockets. Anyway, I digress. I literally had tears dripping down my face and sneezing so uncontrollably (and snotty) that I had to grab a towel to sop up that mess. Anyway I finally realized in this small pea brain of mine that they make medicine for such suffering. I look in my medicine cabinet and  the only thing I have is Benadryl. Okay great. I take one. An hour later and I am still in misery. So I take another. Thankfully Blue went down for a nap at this time and I decide to close my eyes as well. I need some relief anyway. Zonk (that is me literally passing out) I forgot how loopy and sleepy Benadryl makes me. I thought I had just closed my eyes when I hear Blue up and playing in her crib. I am considering just ignoring her and leaving her in the crib to fall asleep already when I realize that an hour has passed. We did take a nap. We are up now and after several splashes of water on my face I am coherent. I am still a little loopy and would like another nap but I do not have that option. As for my eyes.... I feel like clawing them out of my head again.

Stella: Sometimes mom will dress in a monochromatic color scheme to brighten up my day. It really does make me cheerful to see her looking like such a fool. Pink sweats, pink t-shirt... maybe pink socks if I'm lucky.

Stella: It's me again. I'm wondering why you haven't written on this post. You started it and wrote out a bunch of jibber jabber and I merely returned the favor. And yet, you ignore it. As if my random thoughts were not of any interest to you. They were not up to your standards, eh? You think my stories are not as clever and exciting as yours? That's fine. See if I care. I don't have allergies. Unless you want me to talk about my ears hurting, I don't know what else I could possibly say on this topic. We could discuss the weather I suppose. Are you enjoying this lovely day out? It's been awfully windy running up the hill lately. Today Bess actually gave out on me and slowed down to a walk. The nerve! I know, right?! I ran up behind her and started hitting her on the back. I told her that I was trying to beat some life into those old bones of hers. hahahh. That line still cracks me up. It did not motivate her to pick up the pace, but I don't think she'll do it again. hahah. Oh, I am a funny girl. I will look myself in the mirror every day and repeat this. ZONK!

Loki: You are in rare form today. I like the word ZONK. It's fun. I did not return the post because I wasn't sure if you were done with your jibber jabber. You see in order for it to be jibber jabber you must yammer on about nothingness for an entire paragraph. You only wrote like 2 lines.... not a jibber jabber paragraph does that make. I am sorry for the boring subject material of my miserable allergy head. At the time that was all I could think about... and it was quite another thing to be loopy on pain meds while taking care of a child. Please don't report me to DHS. It has only happened once. This is off subject but do you cry at everything you see about kids on shows or documentaries? Anytime there is an injustice or I feel sorry for a child my eyes automatically brim up with water. Maybe it is a sign of the allergies but it's like because I have a kid now I am more sensitive to those sad stories. Why I was taping that Lisa Ling documentary (on the OWN network) and it's about heroin use or something. I only made it through like 5 minutes where they were showing these parents drag along their 1 year old on their drug runs and then sticking their arms in front of the baby. Then it showed that these two "winners" had grown children teenagers... and lo and behold, they were shooting up as well. I was bawling... and had to desert the program.

Stella: Yes, I do that too. I watched "The Pursuit of Happiness" while pregnant... and bawled the ENTIRE time. I can't watch shows about drug addiction that involve children, which most do. It happens every day all around you.. I know enough about it without having to watch it on television.Plus I already studied that in school in "The Abused." Yes, that was the name of the course. Talk about the most depressing subject you could ever study. I can watch Teen Mom & that's about all I can stomach. Man, this post is all over the place. The only thing I like about it is my story about me beating life into Nan's old bones. HAHAHAHA. Still makes me laugh!

Loki: I am going to make your daughter read this one day...when you apparently have "old bones." I am sure she will be just as inventive as you coming up with random names to call her mother. I shall enjoy it deeply...although I am sure "Nan" will too. She will say, "Why when I was your age you were calling me Ol' Bess and you were telling me my old bones needed some life beat into them!" I am pretty sure we have a hip mother.... and pretty much always have. Although I think she went through a stage when she dressed in really frumpy clothing.... and I am not sure how hip it was, but I have a feeling that it wasn't hip at the time. But we were too young to care at the time. In fact, I think Bess has some of that clothing still in her closet. Tomorrow we are going to film her trying on the many different hideous ensembles she has managed to hang (hoard) onto. I am thoroughly looking forward to it. Do you remember how mom had long curly hair (permed hair) when we were growing up and then one day she went and chopped it all off? She was very excited to show us her new "doo" and we both told her we hated it? I don't know that I had a filter back then. Of course I then remember her getting upset because of course she didn't want us to tell her we didn't like it!! I remember feeling bad. Sorry mom! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! It was just such a drastic change and we were not prepared. Hahha talk about random. I figured I would give this post just a little more flavor. As always I have to end this post because of something Baby Blue has done/is doing... she has crawled up on to the ledge on the patio and is trying to stick her head in the fountain. Momma must go save the child.

At least her hair didn't look this bad! Tell us something random! 


  1. The best posts are ones where you are ALl over the place. I enjoy these. :) You girls are my delight! Now, just in my defense.. that sneaky Stella has upped her pace in running up the road. She is a gazelle and runs with ease.. she makes it look so easy and I am a huffing and a puffing along just trying to stay up with the 21 years YOUNGER daughter of mine! She DID hit me in the back trying to motivate me to run faster.. she also made fun of me and mimicked my run saying I was bouncing and shaking my shoulders too violently. :( So, NOW as I try to keep up with the gazelle, I am thinking about my form and NOT bouncing and trying to be smoothe as I run. It is exhausting and can I just say I am 48 stinking years old? Yes.. PLEASE someone (if I am not around then) REMIND Stella of my great exercise partnership to her when SHE IS 48!!!! :)

  2. Kid do NOT like change concerning their mother! That is a fact. Especially if the mom cuts/colors her hair. I don't know what age the child outgrows this, but I do know it is true. Allergies! Yuck. I, thankfully, don't suffer from them but my cub certainly does! He had to get shots when he was young, I wish he'd get them now! He has 'em bad! Zonk! I like to say that too!

  3. I want a finger monkey!!! They are the most darling things you have ever seeeeen!! They resemble fuzzy little bug-eyed geckos. I MUST GET ME ONE! THEY ARE ALLLL THE RAGE!!:)))) (How's that for random?)
