Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Connections

Loki: It seems odd to me that although neither of us are working right now we run out of time to blog. I guess when we were forced to sit in front of a computer for 9 hours a day...and we ran out of work to do, we could always think of blogs to right about. Now days our days are consisting of mostly motherhood. And while I think it is ok to talk about our precious offspring every now and then, I dont think you want to hear every detail... like how Stella fed my child refried beans in the hope that it would later show up in her diaper...or how my child will no longer nurse like a normal baby. She will lay down for about 1 minute and then she wants to nurse sitting up...preferably while looking at whoever else is in the room.

Stella: Hello? How did you not write about how that precious baby took her first 2 steps last week already? TO ME! Hehhehe! Hooray! I can just hear you now telling Big T all about how if you hadn't been at home you wouldn't have been able to see such a thing and doesn't he appreciate the fact that you are home with the baby now getting to enjoy her? haha. I bet even that did not convince him to stop nagging you to get a job. I think my life at home is definitely more exciting than sitting at a computer all day. Which is why I don't want to even take time to sit down at one and waste my time! Bella and I went on an "adventure" today (as she called it) through the creek and the fields. I told the Cougar last week that she should respond to your 400 blog posts, but she couldn't awake her Prince Charming.

Loki: Oh how fun! I love playing in the creek, and Bella is at a fun age right now. OH yes how could I not have mentioned the walking!! We tried to get her to do it again last night but she went limp leg on us. Her legs were tired from all that walking with aunt Stella! I try to avoid any topic having to do with getting another job. We just fight. But yes, I had that same thought... she would have been with my MIL if I was at work...and think what that would've done me! Well, what else is there to talk about today? I've recently made some contact with some old friends. I was just thinking how odd it is how people come in and out of your life. Some of these people were really close to me at one point in my life and now I have nothing to do with them. I guess this happens a lot when you are younger and now that I am older I am starting to see the impact certain people made on my life or that it is a good thing they are no longer apart of mine. Or even how I could've broken up with Big T and then where would I be!? I'm sure Stella will appreciate the seriousness of this post... or perhaps she can write a jig about it. I did only ask one question though so i am getting better at my rants.

Stella: I am at a loss for words... I don't even know what to say first. I'm quite happy with my small pool of friends. Who needs a ton of friends just for the sake of saying "I have a ton of friends?!" Not me. I think there is even a verse about not having too many friends... I should look it up to back up my point, but not right now. Why did you name this  blog New Connections? Isn't that the name of a glee group? You always come up with weird titles. I usually change them, but lately I've just grown tired and weary of correcting you. I recently deleted a whole bunch of people from facebook. I decided if I wouldn't even say hi to them or acknowledge them at a store or if I ran into them, then I don't need to be friends with them online and letting them see all my personal photos/info etc. Speaking of facebook, I'm personally really tired of seeing everyone's profile picture as a cartoon. I refuse to participate. I'm thinking of putting on my status "To support world hunger, everyone change their profile picture to their favorite food" or "Let's support the March of the Dimes, everyone put up a baby picture of themselves." Just to see if anyone listens to me. (Although the baby picture one would probably actually be entertaining.)

Loki: I just name the blogs the first thing that comes to mind. I figure you will change it anyway so not a lot of thought would go into it. I guess it wouldn't be NEW connections, but OLD connections. I don't really want to be "friends" with these people I used to be friends with either. We will email back and forth for awhile and then just follow each other on status updates. It is a rather weird "connected" world we are living in. I think it is kinda self-centered. KINDA? haha I don't really care that someone is tired of wating in the waiting room at the dr. office, or hates their job, or just ate a really great piece of pizza. Also, I don't really dig the 500 happy birthdays that everyone gets on their birthday. I try to not do the facebook birthday...unless I would really call you and tell you happy birthday. I need to delete some people from my facebook too. I have some people on there that I am not even sure who they are. How do these people know me?

Stella: Yes, if I look on there more than once a day than I just get annoyed. But when we were at work it was the only exciting thing to do there. I think it'd be best to only check once a week or so from now on. Look at me. I've turned into an old lady. You know what else is annoying about fb today? Everyone putting numbers up on fb and then writing big gushy messages to them as their status updates. Ah! No more fb this week! So when was the last time you made a NEW friend? Hmm.. The last "new" friend for me would have to be ChaCha. And now I won't ever see her again since quitting our job.. Plus I really suck at keeping in touch with people to begin with.

Loki: Yes, I haven't made too many "new" friends either. I suppose I have made one... Big T is friends with her husband and he practically shoved her down my throat to be friends with her. I like her well enough...but I am not calling her to discuss my day. It's hard enough to keep the friendships I have...which is not many. I do consider my sister and my mother my friends... so now I have to go hide under a pillow because that just sounds lame.

Tell us why you're lame.

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  1. I like the new reactions tab...but it appears now everyone only wants to do that instead of comment. Oh well. I am sure not everything we say is exciting... maybe make a tab say... NEXT


  2. Oh I'll comment! I was mentioned!!!!!! Why do we get so excited when you mention us? Silly, really. But that shows you what kind of life I have! lol..... my "prince charming"...yes he is!

  3. I know many people I call friends, but only a few I can be myself and tell all. I like the idea of a friend being closer than a brother and 'iron sharpens another' becauseI need a friend to hold me accountable and you won't listen if it's just a 'kinda my friend.' I like looking at pictures on fb but who has time to scribble what you're doing every 5 minutes.Or playing those farm they have a life? Unless they too are bored at work as you both were. Than it helps the day go by quicker. And what's even harder when making friends, is your husband has to like the guy and it's hard to find couple friends. So I just meet my bff by ourselves. And my daughters are my closest friends too as they know just as much as my friend does..and I love reading about my precious that they are all adults and I can see them most every week. I am blessed for sure.
