Friday, February 4, 2011

Volunteer Snear

Stella: Is it a terrible thing to want to un-volunteer from helping with the children at your church? I will admit that I don't think un-volunteer is an actual word, but I don't know how else to say that I would like to quit volunteering! Yes, it is probably a horrible thing to say after only doing it once... and especially when it's your daughter's class. This is exactly why I don't volunteer for things. Then you get stuck doing things you don't want to do and can't get out of them without looking like a creep. But when someone calls you on the phone and asks you to do something, it's hard to come up with a lie right on the spot without sounding like the real, true creep you are. "Um, no thanks. I would not like to help out because to be totally honest, I do not like other children other than my daughter. And niece. And new little cousin. Yes, those are the only three children I have fond feelings towards." Anyhow, it's too late now.

Loki: Yes I am holding you responsible for my torture that I will have to endure every 6 weeks. Stella all but demanded that I take part in her volunteering. Hey I told so and so that you would help with me... Uhh thanks for that. I would rather be in the crib room where I could just hold babies and gossip with all the other ladies. Not so in the 4 year old room where you actually have to teach them lessons and structure... and there is a hand washing time too. There were 3 teachers to the 4 kids we had in there. I am pretty sure one person could handle that many...even if some were wild and crazy. Bella better love me more after this is all I have to say. Also I love how if you are being tortured you like to bring others along... particularly me.

Stella: She was already going to ask you! I didn't suggest it. At least I gave you a warning. But it's like no matter where we go, we are still 'children.' Like at our Christmas gatherings all the cousins still have to sit at the kids table and not with the big adults. Haha. Anyway, the lady we were working with didn't even ask us to do anything and since it was our first time helping out, we didn't know what to do. Plus she probably thought we were 18 or something since she had never seen us before even though we informed her we'd been going to this church for the past 27+ years. She did everything herself so we just sat there and tried to look like we were being helpful. On a side note, I even saw her in passing at church the next week and I said "hi" to her but she just kept on walking!!!! It was so rude.

Loki: Yes, she was not your typical array of sunshine. Maybe we can talk to the head lady and see if we can just work this gig by ourselves...or maybe we can tell her that Blondie wants to help us instead. All I know is that I tried to be as helpful as possible. I realized that I talk to the 4 year olds like they are little babies when I know I don't speak to Bella like that! The one boy in there spoke like he was 2... so I just assumed he was younger. He asked me why I was so big. Umm EXCUSE ME? Apparently it was a mystery to him as why my big bum couldn't fit in the play diner he was sitting in. They say kids always tell the truth...perhaps I should get a little more serious in my work out schedule. I also do not know how to discipline strange children. I will tell Bella no or something (which she will later tattle on me and say I am being bossy) but what happens when the strange children do not listen to you? I told one of them to not do something and her response? "No!". I said, "did she just tell me no??" Don't these kids know to obey in church? I guess they are just kids. I think I just let it slide... What was I supposed to do? Put her in time out? It was my big debut there...I did not want to be the mean one.

Stella: That is hilarious. "Why are you SO big?" Bahahahah. I would have died if I had heard him say that to you. But just hearing about it is funny enough. I tried to interact with the children as well even though there were only 3 that I weren't mine. I was proud of my precious daughter for being so nice to all the kids. Especially to the little weird girl... Who walked right up to me and stuck her face about 1 inch from mine and then just BREATHED OUT. It was so crazy and  too weird for me. (Not to mention she had bad breath, bless her heart.) I probably made a horrible face at her, like "ewww" and backed away. What a weird child. I was also busy trying to see how my kid measured up... Watching the other kids write their names and perform puzzles... So I was busy studying where Bella was at in comparison to them (since I never see other 3/4 year olds.) I do have to say she was the least socially retarded.

What's the worst thing you've ever gotten stuck doing?

1 comment:

  1. When I was in my 20's I volunteered to help my friend teach 4th grade Vacation Bible School. Then on the 2nd day she got sick and I was the teacher! I mean I was supposed to teach the lesson. Good grief! I didn't know a thing about Moses or the Israelites or anything and basically the kids answered all the questions...thank goodness. After that week, I escaped to the 2 year olds (my son was 2) and stayed there for a very long time. It took me years to escalate to older children...and after I'd been reading my Bible for 10 years. Again, I started with 2nd grade..and eventually was blessed to teach most of my grandchildren. But, hey, I love kids. Grampa taught with me one year (much later, 3-4 year olds.) He sat with 3 little girls playing "house" while I reprimanded 6 little boys running around the table. No, kids today do not know how to obey...especially other grownups. And don't feel bad Stella..not everyone is meant to teach. And it's harder to be your child's teacher. They hear you at home enough. At least it's not every Sunday!
