Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Loki: Gak! I was just asked by Plugs if I had any plans on Saturday for the following month. This means he is trying to plan a “get together” for the staff on a Saturday. Let me just clarify that I do not need to spend any additional time with these people. …especially on the weekend. He said he “wanted to do something for the staff.” Umm.. how about give us a day off?!! If he were sending us to a spa or giving us tickets to something cool that would be one thing. But he will just try to get us to all go out to the Barndo to sit around & play horseshoes. The Barndo is his beloved barn/condo that is out in the middle of nowhere. Why do I want to waste an entire Saturday driving 40 minutes to some remote location and then be stranded there forced to hang out with these sour puss people? My husband can never go with me because he works on Saturdays…not that him coming along it would make that any better.

Stella: Gak? Do you remember playing with that stuff? They have this new stuff out called Moon Dough that I want to try. It supposedly never dries out. That's the plug for it anyway. I never like the way real PlayDough makes your hands feel. It’s the nastiest feeling in the world. Anyhow, I do not want to go to a company get-together either. No one even talks to us when we are at work (since we aren’t allowed to be noisy) so why would they want to chat with us on our day off? I had just worked here for less than 2 months the last time there was an outing to the dumb Barndo-ro-ro. And I was FORCED to go against my will with Loki. It was the most horrendous time ever. I played some lame bean bag game with Sparky. I hope you told him that you were a very popular person with events scheduled for the next 2 months already. Or maybe we should be enthusiastic and brush up on our horseshoe skills.

Loki: He caught me off guard. I didn't know what to say. He said he had already gotten the dates from the other people-- you know Poodle, PR, and Sparky. We should get together with Cha cha and between the 3 of us be busy each weekend until December or something. That way it will be too cold to do anything outside, and he will have to wait until the summer to plan another Barndo trip. I did make you go to the last gathering because I wanted to play with Bella. It was great fun... Although I think I was spinning Bella in a circle and got so dizzy that we both fell down. Oops. Please don't drop my child on her head for revenge.(She does have me for a mother already...and I will not disclose that she may or may not have already been dropped on her head) If this ridiculous "trip" does happen, all we will do is sit around and watch the children. How relaxing will it be to chase Bella and Baby Blue around. Blue will try to eat everything off the ground, and I am pretty sure the place isn't baby proof. Although there would be 2 other babies there this time around..but I don't think babies that young actually play together. Poor Bella will have to play with the adults...again.

Stella: I don't even like to go to family reunions. I won't get revenge by dropping your daughter, but I will probably buy her obnoxious toys like Silly Puddy when she is 1 year old or a drum set when she's 2.

Loki: I would like to formally apologize for the gifts I gave baby Bella. I was not a mother and I did not understand that she couldn't play with Silly Puddy at 1 year old or that she didnt wear a size 2T at 9 months.. (It looked like it would have fit!) I did, however, know that you would hate the 150 piece set of fake food I got her, but I knew she woud love it too. Maybe we should gather up the 150 pieces and bring to the Barndo for the kids to play with and then "accidently" leave it there for Sparky and Plugs to pick up. I bet we would not be invited back if so! Our fellow employees do want to talk to us-just not until 5:00 when we are trying to head out the door. I try to leave and say "Goodbye!" as fast as possible, otherwise they turn their chairs around and ask some open-ended questions to get us talking. Umm.. I've been starring at my feet for the past 30 minutes waiting for 5:00 to come- You could have talked to me then!

Stella: I keep trying to explain to people how we just CAN'T talk at work, and no matter how you describe it they just don't understand. Today we are being ostracized because ChaCha called into work- which meant that no one was here at 8:00 on the dot. Let's all freak out. And since Loki & I dropped off Bella before we came in, we were later than usual. So we get the silent treatment. Which is hard to explain when we already get the silent treatment. It's like we can't even ask a question if we had one to ask... & Poodle slams things down even harder...
Loki: Even Sparky slammed the door to his office...Right after he came in at 10:00 and took his weekly shower downstairs. I would also like to mention how un-professional he was in the text he sent me this morning which started with WTF?.. Grrr!

Yawn... Poor baby.

What's worse? Family reunions or company get-togethers?


  1. Company get togethers HAVE to be the worse! Dad or EVs as he is called on here, has a BIG company "cookout" tomorrow and I DO NOT want to go. I don't know anyone at those things and the food is NOT worth the drive. THanks, but NO thanks. Hopefully, Evs will not care about my attendance! AND I have to say, that is the funniest picture of a baby crying at a work desk I have ever seen! Who is this, Loki or Stella? ha ha ha ha !

  2. I don't know... The hair on that baby is pretty scary. I don't want to claim her.

  3. company get together's are worse in my opinion. much worse.

  4. My man had a reunion this summer, as he does every summer, in Louisiana. We had our own cabin and it was beautiful! But, I did have to deal w/ new relatives. Most were/are normal everyday people, but there were a few there that obviously have taken a ride on the crazy train! Yeah, I parties have to be worse! So...will ya go?

  5. I have gone to more reunions than I can count starting at the young age of 19! However I can always find someone to chat with..I am a chatterer as we all know (is that spelled right Stella?) But only went to one work thing Gmpa took me to in TX and he actually danced the twist with me...but the people were all boring..last one I went to. I wouldn't matter what the date are too busy being a mom on Saturdays'...Stella too. And if they won't talk to you during work hours - forget about it. Sorry that doesn't sound very Christian huh? Just sympathizing with my gkids.

  6. I definitely think work related functions are the worst. At family stuff at least you will have SOMEONE to talk to. They are only bad depending on WHICH relatives are involved :)
